Sprint Racing - All Classes and Rater Race
The basic idea is to run several short races, back to back. This way we can run either one or two series in a day and give a lot of opportunities for you to practice what many consider the key to successful sailboat racing, the start.
Short Races
Races will last between 10 to 20 minutes The Process. All boats sail as one fleet, but the results will be extracted to identify the first of the Merlin Rocket fleet, the first of the Wayfarer fleet and so on. Any type of boat with two or more boats participating will be considered a Class for the purpose of Sprint Racing. Members who cannot compete with their own boat can consider using an appropriate club boat.
Maintaining the Flow.
To speed up the process the start sequence will be reduced to three minutes, Class Flag, Blue Peter (or alternative e.g. Black Flag etc.), Start, with one-minute intervals. In any group of boats only the first three places will be logged, so boats in fourth or higher place should consider returning to the start area for the next sequence. This is an all-day event with one series in the morning and an afternoon series, subject to demand.
Sailing Instructions are are attached to this note.
There will be a briefing on the day and the first sequence will start as soon as possible after that.
Please log-in to see details of crew available (0) / boats needing crew (0) or to add your own details.
Last updated 6:31am on 10 September 2024