
UTSC is a self-help Club and all members are expected to carry out duties throughout the year. We have a dedicated bar team as well as the normal sailing teams. Typically, a year's sailing duties include 2 days at a weekend (Saturday or Sunday), and a Wednesday evening. We encourage non-sailing partners of members to help with either sailing or bar duties as they feel able to.
All members will be in either the bar team or one of the sailing duty teams and some members are also allocated to one of the Open meeting or Club Championship race management teams. The team lists are on the Members' Area of the website. The Sailing Diary will show which team is allocated for the box on each day or event.
The sailing duty teams are managed by the team leaders and coordinated centrally. The bar team is also managed centrally with the team allocated to bar duties throughout the year. Full bar training will be provided.
Team leaders are responsible for allocating individual team members to the days when their team is on duty. The roster can be accessed in the website Members' Area and swaps can be arranged here if necessary. Training can be arranged to explain this in more detail. It is important that members liaise with their team leader to let them know which dates they either prefer and/or the dates that they will not be available to carry out a duty. New members will be allocated to a team on joining the Club.
If a member is unable to carry out a scheduled duty it is their responsibility to arrange a swap with a suitably qualified member.
Last updated 23:01 on 16 February 2024