Our social programme is shown on the club calendar. Events are open to all members and we welcome social members who wish to make use of our clubhouse facilities and join in the social programme, and take their turn on the bar duty rota.
House Committee organise a variety of events throughout the year, such as talks, family barbecues, informal meals and more formal dinners twice a year. The Fitting Out dinner marks the start of the sailing season and end with the Laying Up Dinner in the Autumn.
The evening events at the annual Bourne End Week regatta are the highlight of the social year.
Wednesday evening meals are regularly available when the evening sailing programme starts.
The club bar run by members on a rota is open alongside sailing activities on Wednesday evenings and at weekends. There are also "Happy Hours", frequently (but not always) on the first Friday of the month 18.30 19.30.
Bookings for meals are made online using your members login. Guests are welcome up to three times a year; please sign them in in the Visitors Book.
During the main sailing season the club is open for informal Wednesdays on the Water. morning social sailing sessions for sailing members, and outside the main season the WoW becomes Walking on Wednesdays - informal local walks open to all.
Last updated 10:00 on 28 November 2023