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The renewal process for 2022 is already underway. If you have not received a renewal email the process is outlined in the paragraphs below.

If you have forgotten your log-in password use the 'forgotten password ' button on the log-in page to be sent a new one.

Firstly, I hope you have enjoyed your year at Upper Thames, but if for some reason you do not intend to renew this year please tell me as it will avoid me chasing you for your renewal application!For the remainder it's renewal time. Please read this carefully because it will remind you of the process to follow to ensure it goes smoothly. This is in 2 stages - Stage 1 confirms your membership and berthing requirements and Stage 2 is the paying of the invoice which will be sent electronically to you. Please carry out Stage 1 as soon as you can in December. You will then need to pay the invoice which is due on January 1st.


Stage 1 (Confirming renewal)

Please login to the Members' Area of the club website ( If you have forgotten your password, then please click on the forgotten password link - this will send a new password to your email address.

Click on 'renew' in the right-hand side menu

Then in the Renew section:

Please check the 2022 membership type and fees are correct. If not contact the Membership Secretary at

Lead Membership responsibility

If your membership category covers more than one person, the Lead Member will complete the renewal process on behalf of each person in the membership category. Please indicate your agreement by ticking the first box on the renewal page.

Use of Personal Data

The Club has a Data Privacy Policy which can be found on the club website. Your data will be stored and used in accordance with this policy.

Select 'Renew this membership and pay now' in the black box.

If you have a current berth and wish to renew, then check boat and berthing are correct, then tick 'renew this mooring'. Note that berth details are either inside (for winter or all year internal storage) or outside (for all other berths). This allows the Harbour Master to allocate berth locations more easily when necessary.

Click on 'Renew Selected' in the red box.

Confirm details are correct and then click on 'confirm choices'.

You are now renewing your membership and by doing so you are agreeing to pay the associated fees.

An invoice will be displayed on screen and will be available to you in the members area - please pay by January 1st or earlier if you wish. You will receive an email confirming your renewal and a copy of the invoice as a reminder.

You may now log out.

Stage 2 (Payment of invoice)

We know that early January can be a difficult time financially so if you are concerned that paying your membership fees would cause a problem then please contact me so that we can make arrangements to make this easier for you.

After confirming your renewal you can then pay electronically from your bank to the Club's bank account (details on the invoice), putting the invoice number and your name in the reference field. If paying electronically is not possible then please forward a cheque to me at the club made payable to Upper Thames Sailing Club (UTSC will not be enough). The invoice gives an option to pay online but we have chosen not to use this because of its cost - so please ignore this.

Please do not send a cheque to the club without completing the above process because this leads to all sorts of confusion and your membership may not be renewed in a timely manner.

Please do not send a cheque to the club without completing the above process.

The payment of the invoice needs to be received by January 31st to avoid the late payment fee. There is a sliding scale for the late payment fee, based on rounding your invoice to the nearest £100 and then charging £20 per £100 of the rounded figure. (e.g. invoiced fee of between £51 - £149 results in a late fee of £20, invoiced fee of £150 -£249 results in a late fee of £40 etc, up to a maximum of £80).

If for any reason you are unable to login to the website members' area, please let me know and we will find an appropriate process for you.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact:

David Robinson
John Dighton if it's a technical question.

Many thanks,
David Robinson
Membership Secretary

Last updated 23:01 on 16 February 2024

© 2025 Upper Thames Sailing Club powered by Sailing Club Manager