Fun Sailing

Membership is for all ages, and you don't have to race to enjoy sailing on the river.
This provides an opportunity for all members to improve their sailing abilities in an informal atmosphere. The sessions run from 14.00 17.00. It is a condition of participation that parents/guardians will remain on site with children who are participating to provide general help and assistance for the session and to augment the safety boat crews. This might include rigging and launching boats, 'catching and dispatching', issuing and collection of buoyancy aids and helping with packing up the boats at the end of the day.
Fun sailing on Sunday is for those families who would like to sail in the knowledge that there will be a safety boat on duty. The normal Sunday racing will be taking place but those wishing to just sail casually can still do so. Please note the allocated times in the programme as these change during the season

Last updated 23:01 on 16 February 2024